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Rockingham Elementary

31 Tremont Dr, Halifax, NS B3M 1X8

Main Office: (902) 457-8986 Fax: (902) 457-8993

More Info

What's New

February 6th, 2024

Orders due Feb 6th 

November 30th, 2023

We invite you to attend Rockingham School's Tree Lighting on Friday December 1st from 6:30-7:30! The Salvation Army will be there to collect non perishable food items and unused toys!  

September 13th, 2023

For information on student tranporation, click here.

Click here for bus stops for BusPlanner Web.

Click here to go to Optis.


School Advisory Councils (SACs) play an important role in supporting student success at the community-level.

SACs are volunteer organizations that receive their authority from the Education Act (2018)(link is external) . The establishment of SACs and their roles and responsibilities are set out in the Education Act and the Ministerial Education Act Regulations(link is external) .

SACs are advisory bodies to individual school principals, regional centres for education (RCEs), and the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) on a range of issues related to their local schools and the overall school system.

SAC membership can vary, but generally consists of the school principal, parents/guardians, teachers, other school staff, students, and community members. SAC membership should reflect the diversity of the school community.

In 2018, focus groups were conducted with SAC chairs and principals about enhancing the role of SACs. As a result, SACs now have a stronger voice in regional and provincial policy development, more professional development and networking opportunities, and a budget that supports the SACs mandate and operations.

Parents/guardians and community members who want to get involved in their school’s SAC can contact the school principal. Each RCE and the CSAP have a staff person who is responsible for supporting SACs.


Interested in volunteering? Please refer to : to get started with the appropriate background checks!
