Rockingham Elementary

Leadership Teams

Peer Mediation Team

Interested students from grades 4-6 are invited to apply to become a member of our School Peer Mediation Team. Students from grades 4-6 will be selected for training to help other students resolve conflict. Returning mediators are welcome. Mediation provides a system of problem solving that is uniquely suited to the personal nature of young people’s problems and is used by students for problems where adult support is not needed. This program recognizes the ability of young people to participate in the resolution of their own disputes and encourages skills such as listening, critical thinking and problem solving. The role of the Peer Mediator is to monitor the yard daily and be available to students who might need assistance. Children in conflict must all agree to be involved in the Peer Mediation process for it to succeed.


Playground Activity Leaders in Schools (PALS)

Students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 can apply to be a PAL. PALS are trained to teach cooperative games to students in Grade P and 1 at recess and at lunch. Duty is one day a week after training. Returning PALS will help with training. Monthly meetings will help PALS learn new games and discuss any questions or concerns.


Rockets Team

The Rockets Team will be selected from students in Grade 4, 5 and 6 who want to learn and demonstrate leadership skills through making daily announcements in English and/or French over the PA and who wish to help host assemblies. Students will be taught how to use the PA system, how to read announcements and work on a weekly schedule. As well, the Rockets Team will have the chance to greet visitors to the school. They will practice and read from a script for the assemblies. Not everyone will be expected to “host”. Rocket Team members will work closely with the Principal to organize and promote special events happening at the school.


ECO Team

Eco-Team members teach students how to sort our recess and lunches into the recyclable, redeemable, organics, liquids & garbage.